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Calm Sea


helping clients build sustainable, healthier habits to live a longer, happier life

What I offer

In my 12 week program, I will personally teach and coach you through the Knowledge, Insight, Skills and System (KISS) to design a unique process to build sustainable health habits.  Because I understand that health is very nuanced, this process will be catered to your specific needs and goals.  Simply put, I will meet you where you are in this moment, without judgment, in order to take you where you want to go on your health journey.  Week by week, we will work on goal setting, making simple, incremental, and powerful changes to your daily routine.  I will also be by your side to keep you accountable of your goals while ensuring your best success, supporting and guiding you through the process.  At the end of the program, my main goal is for you is to successfully create long-lasting healthier habits that will move you that much closer towards your happier vibrant future.


I am Dr. Jonar de Guzman, M.D., a board certified Internal Medicine physician with Lifestyle Medicine certification as well as a certified Health Coach.  I work as a hospitalist in Los Angeles, California, caring for sick hospitalized patients.  Outside of the hospital, my life revolves around family.  And I am just a regular dad, trying my best as a parent, caring for my own health and my kids in the process.  

In my personal life, I unfortunately lost both of my parents too soon.  From their loss, I gained deeper perspective and renewed purpose in life. That initially inspired me to become a doctor.  Later on, it really motivated me to build healthier habits for myself to avoid a similar fate as my parents but also, to live a long thriving life for my children, further motivated by the recent loss of my baby daughter, Sedona.  So, my purpose is to stay as healthy as I can for my kids to grow up with the hopes their dad is still around for them.  

In my professional life, my mission is to help others make drastic life changes toward healthier living.  Having cared for many sick patients, especially throughout the pandemic, I’ve realized we have been facing and epidemic long before COVID and that is the epidemic of chronic disease.  These chronic diseases like obesity, diabetes and heart disease serve as risk factors for life threatening illnesses that I’ve seen too often inside the hospital.  To get to the heart of the problem, we need to look at the root cause of chronic disease which often results from our lifestyle choices.  

And our lifestyles are made up of our health habits, for better or worse.  This is what I discovered for my own health close to 40+ pounds overweight in 2016. From that pivotal moment, I committed myself to healthier habits and as I stand here today, I can proudly say this is the healthiest I’ve ever felt in my entire life.

And it was out of this desire to improve my health that I wanted the same for others.  So, I became certified in Lifestyle Medicine, a relatively new field that focuses on evidence based approaches to treat, prevent and potentially reverse chronic disease through simple but profound lifestyle changes.  I also wanted to reach a wider audience to promote healthier living.  So in 2020, I launched the Glass Half Healthy podcast to challenge the conventional attitudes towards health and inspire people to live a healthier happier life.  And with my years of professional and personal experience, I found a unique opportunity to combine all that I know as a Certified health Coach to help people reclaim their health.  

Through my 4 Truth Health Program, I will be teaching you the Knowledge, Insight, Skills and System to help you develop sustainable long lasting health habits for the better. 

If I can teach you anything, it would be that the most valuable thing you will ever have in this world is your health.  And no matter where you are on your journey, change towards a healthier life is ALWAYS possible for ANYONE, including YOU.  That said, I am so excited for the opportunity to help guide you along your highest path towards a a healthier happier life. 

Much Love, ~ Jonar de Guzman, M.D.


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